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MARCH 2024

In December of 2011, I started Tracey English Fitness, a personal training business that, at the time, brought fitness into peoples' homes. I met clients at their homes and we worked together - getting stronger, lifting each other up, gaining confidence.

A few years into my business, I changed that business model and created a home gym that clients used for their sessions. This worked beautifully - I was able to service my clients at home and the relationships continued.

​A few years later, we moved south of town. It wasn't as easy for all of my clients to get to me. So I decided to offer an in-town training solution - Kondition Haus. And for the last few years I have happily trained many, many women at both locations - home and in town. This, too, has worked out beautifully.​

I am blessed to say that I still train some of the women from my first days on my own. That's a long time. And It has been such a pleasure to be a part of their wellness journey.​ 

And here we are. My business model is changing again. Although I still offer group training, I no longer offer one on one training. It is bittersweet to step away from this role, as I have loved every aspect of it. But it is now time to embark on what is calling me (and has been for some time).

Beginning in April 2024, I will be creating, collaborating, planning and facilitating amazing wellness retreats for women. ​We all know that wellness means different things to different people and I am no different. I crave ways to nourish my body, experience joyful movement and to take some time out of my life to take care of me! I also know that being a mom and/or working professional can be exhausting. And trying to plan a getaway is challenging at best. Financial constraints, family obligations and lack of time are a few of the challenges that come to mind. ​

That's what makes the retreats I plan different. These retreats are going to be locally or regionally based (think Midwest for now). A spa getaway outside of Kansas City, a relaxing lakefront retreat at the Lake of the Ozarks, hiking and being outdoors in Colorado. Yup, all on my radar! In fact, there are tentative plans for the first retreat - August 23-25, 2024.

More information on that will be coming. ​We've done Cancun - we're doing it again this Fall. Larger-scope retreats will still be available to those interested. But for those who wish to stay a little closer to home? These new retreats may be just what you need!​It's been a great journey so far. Here's to the next step. Here's to growing, learning, opening up to change and moving forward!

​Won't you join me?

All the best in health.

Tracey English Fitness: Complete Wellness​​

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