Who loves kettlebell training as much as I do? Kettlebell workout routines can build strength, and increase aerobic capacity, core strength and balance. All of these are vital in any training program! Kettlebell exercises are often high-intensity, low-impact exercises that work the muscles of your upper and lower body as well as your midsection. They have the potential to improve your cardiovascular fitness, strength and power.

For this workout, you will complete three rounds. 10 reps per exercise/side. 30 swings each time. Break between sets. Make sure you choose a weight that is challenging for you - you should be fatigued at the end of each set/exercise.
Kettlebell Workout:
Goblet Squat
One Arm Row
Kettlebell Swing
Russian Twist
Sumo Squat to Upright Row
1/2 Get UpÂ
Overhead Tricep Extension
One Arm Kettlebell Swing
One Legged Deadlift
Alternating Pushup
Overhead Hold with Reverse Crunch
Weighted Carry - Overhead 30 Seconds Directly to Suitcase Carry 30 seconds - Repeat other arm
Kettlebell Burpee