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Taking the leap to join us in bootcamp

When I talk to women about joining our bootcamp group, the most common concern I hear is that they are worried that they will not be able to "keep up" with the rest of the group. They are worried they will not feel as if they belong, that they will hold others back, and that they will leave feeling defeated and down.

Nothing is further from the truth. And Ill tell you why - I train women where THEY are in their fitness journey. Sure, some participants are avid exercisers. But some clients are returning after having a child, others are coming back after an injury. Still others have never been a regular exerciser and other clients dont even LIKE to exercise. They are doing it because they should. (They are right about that, by the way).

How can I manage to do this with such a broad range of exercise experience, limitations and worries? I do it through timed drills (that enable clients to go at their own pace); through partner drills (that enable clients to get to know others in the group & work together toward a goal); and through constant reminders that each client needs to listen to her own body, take breaks when needed and avoid falling prey to trying to keep up with everyone else in the group.

The result is a challenging, fun, uplifting workout that enables participants to push themselves while lifting others up. So I encourage those who have thought "maybe someday" to make this March THAT day.

Bootcamp begins March 25, and we will meet for six weeks. 8am-8:45am Saturday mornings at Kondition Haus. Because we are on the CUSP of the weather warming up, it means we will take advantage of the sunshine and combine indoor and outdoor drills for our time together.

I'd love you to join us. I'd love you to invite a friend or two. Because although Ive been told I'm fun, bootcamp is MUCH more fun with someone you know. You can register EASILY through Venmo. It's a solid $90 investment, I promise you. Venmo me at @tracey-english or shoot me a message if you have questions.

All the best in health!


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